Q: How can I watch MJ TV for free?

A: MJ TV offers 24/7 live streaming completely free with ads. Simply download the app or visit our website and start watching!

Q: What is the VOD subscription service?

A: Our VOD service is available for $5 per month and provides access to an ad-free experience along with a library of original shows, movies, and global content.

Q: How do I cancel my subscription?

A: You can cancel your VOD subscription at any time by going to your account settings and selecting "Cancel Subscription." Please note that no refunds are issued for partial months.

Q: What types of content are available on MJ TV?

A: MJ TV offers a wide range of content, including animated series, live-action comedies, educational programming, variety shows, and films from filmmakers around the world.

Q: How can I submit my project to be featured on MJ TV?

A: We welcome submissions from filmmakers! Please email us at mpena@mjproductionfilms.com for more information on how to have your content considered for MJ TV.

Q: Can I access MJ TV on multiple devices?

A: Yes, you can access MJ TV on various devices, including smartphones, tablets, and smart TVs. Simply log into your account on any device.